Tough to read. Lots to say but it's hard in a time of plenty and peace to get people to take things as seriously in times of life and death. I think this is true for everyone.

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I’m embarrassed to say how much I enjoy hip hop music encouraging such feral behavior, even if I don’t take part in it.

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Excellent write up, Singh Sahib. Unlike the wokes, you can actually use Gurbani to back up your arguments in this article. I agree with what you say. It can be disheartening to see the degeneracy of the current world, but Guru Gobind Singh Ji has written Charitropakhyan in Sri Dasam Granth Sahib to warn us, make us aware of these kinds of hussies of ill repute. Let us all follow the example of Bhai Sant Raam Ji, who refused to marry to Jahangir's daughter, and convert to Islam, so he got executed. Even in death his head rolled away when the princess tried to touch it.

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Broski spitting fax

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